#10077c color RGB value is (16,7,124). #10077c hex color red value is 16, green value is 7 and the blue value of its RGB is 124. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #10077c hue: 0.68 , saturation: 0.89 and the lightness value of 10077c is 0.26.


Apr 15, 2010 I'm printing a piece that is to be printed on a very dark gray heavy cover stock. The client is using PMS 877 silver but wants to remove as much 

st PMS 10077 SILVER PREMIUM 1 KG BURK. st. st. This page is about Pantone Metallic Ink Book,contains Pantone Metallics Guides and Chip Books,BUY Pantone Premium Metallics Chip Book GB1505  Dios 30594 Costa 30577 representa 30523 V 30488 particular 30479 padres 10088 república 10081 quedan 10081 bordo 10077 Seguridad 10075 matar 878 indefinido 878 ácida 878 Júcar 877 Ain 877 sitiada 877 sic 877 virreinal 877 126 L'Arc~en~Ciel 126 Pantone 126 galvánica 126 Cutting 126 Choctaw 126  065 17 815 16 877 16 564 15 627 15 627 B 700 x 1000 WHITE IRIDESCENT Artikelnr kr / kg A PMS 10077 1 KG BURK SILVER PREMIUM 1 46G5120-947  877 Wilfred Duignan 878 Lindi Grishin 879 Minni Georgeau 10077 Maddi Jobke 10078 Kenna Leebeter 18320 Loreen Pantone 18321 Waring Galiero What is the difference between PANTONE Silver 10077 and PANTONE 877? Make Yahoo Your Home Page.

Pantone 10077 vs 877

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RUST—PMS 7526 COLOR PANTONE CMYK RGB HEX PANTONE PMS 7526 C C = 29 M = 83 Y = 100 K = 27 R=145 G=61 The hsl () function define colors using the Hue-saturation-lightness model (HSL). HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness - and represents a cylindrical-coordinate representation of colors. Hue value of its Hsl is 204, Saturation value is 0.021834061135371, Lightness value is 0.55098039215686. Pantone 4151 Coated vs Uncoated. The same formula is used to show how different the two stocks of paper effect the color - they are not meant to be a match. A much closer match could be possible by adjusting the formula, however the gloss factor would remain.

Convert your Pantone value to CMYK value Pantone / PMS Silver 10077 C / #a6a9aa Hex Code Couleur. Le code hexadécimal de la couleur #a6a9aa est une lumière moyenne teinte de couleur cyan. Dans le modèle de couleur RVB #a6a9aa est constitué de 65.1 % de rouge, 66.27 % de vert et le bleu à 66.67 %.

Converting Colors allows you to convert between color formats like HEX, RGB, CMYK and more. The current page shows the different conversions for Hex 7D97C6.

PMS 1895 C. Pink 523. MA 1921 / IS 2650. ® PMS Silver 10077 C. Aluminium MET 051.

Pantone 10077 vs 877

Pantone is referred as PMS matching system, which is mainly used by graphic designers for color graphic printing. The PMS color conversion allow designers to 'color match'. The below given Pantone to Ral conversion chart helps to convert Pantone Code (nearest match) to equivalent RAL Code and RAL Name.

PANTONE 877 C is the silver base used to blend the ‘conventional’ PANTONE Metallic colors, which have existed since the mid-to-late 1980’s. PANTONE Silver 10077 C is the specialized, non-leafing silver base manufactured by Eckart and used to formulate the PANTONE Premium Metallic colors , which were introduced in May 2010 with the PANTONE PLUS SERIES upgrade. #10077c color RGB value is (16,7,124). #10077c hex color red value is 16, green value is 7 and the blue value of its RGB is 124. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #10077c hue: 0.68 , saturation: 0.89 and the lightness value of 10077c is 0.26.. The process color (four color CMYK) of #10077c color hex is 0.87, 0.94, 0.00, 0.51.

CMYK:. CMYK值不可用. Det vil si at NCS fargen kan avvike fra pantone fargen og omvent. Tabellen kan hjelpe deg i søket etter riktig farge, men du bør absolutt bekrefte dette resultatet. Vår fargekonverteringstabell er ment som en referanse, og fargen vi anbefaler er kanskje ikke den du ønsker. Pantone 4151 Coated vs Uncoated.
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PMS 877 Silver 1 KG BURK. st. st 1164214. PMS 10077 SILVER PREMIUM 1 KG BURK.

Dans le modèle de couleur RVB #a6a9aa est constitué de 65.1 % de rouge, 66.27 % de vert et le bleu à 66.67 %. Pantone 877 c find another colour pantone 877 c. For the pantone color bridge guides we use the m1 lighting standard to align with industry.
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The colours are based on the seven classic PANTONE Gold and Silver Shades 871 to 877 C. Packaging PANTONE Metallics (previously referred to as “Premium Metallics”) Metallic packaging inks for packaging printing. These former “Premium Metallics” colours are created with the basic colours Pantone Silver 10077 and Pantone Rose Gold 10412

CMYK 45 34 34 0. Please note that RGB & Hex/HTML values will differ between the PANTONE Color Finder and the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides due to different standards for print and digital use. For the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides we use the M1 lighting standard to align with industry standards for process printing. Der Hauptunterschiede zwischen den beiden Fächern liegen in der Zusammensetzung ihrer jeweiligen Basisfarben: Zum einen ist da das unterschiedliche Pantone Silber: PANTONE 877 bzw. PANTONE Silver 10077 C. Zum anderen wird im PANTONE Metallics Coated das Silber durch weitere Gold Basisfarben ergänzt, während im PANTONE Premium Metallics Coated das neu definierte Silber die einzige metallische Basisfarbe ist und durch PANTONE Goe Basisfarben abgetönt wird. Pantone / PMS Silver 10077 C / #a6a9aa Hex Color Code.